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Friday Five: Hacking Groups Ramping Up Efforts, Apple's Broken Promise, & More

Data Discovery

Identity Finder, Verdasys Team

Identity Finder LLC, a leading provider of sensitive data management solutions, today announced a partnership agreement with Verdasys, Inc., the leading provider of advanced data protection for endpoints for the Global 2000 and mid-sized companies. The partnership allows the companies to integrate Identity Finder's Sensitive Data Manager enterprise solution with Verdasys' Digital Guardian and Managed Service for Information Protection (MSIP) offering, enabling joint global customers to minimize the risk of data theft and protect their brand reputation.

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Privacy button on keyboard

Tackling GDPR Challenge #4: Privacy by Design and Default

Experts: Deleted online information never actually goes away

Following the Ashley Madison hack, experts came out and said that deleted online information never actually goes away; amongst the experts is our Chief Operating Office: Pete Tyrrell.

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Fishing hook by the sunset

Friday Five: Updates on Chinese Hacking Operations, the Growing Quishing Threat, & More

MSP for Threat Aware Endpoint DLP - Japanese

Security Experts React to President's Cybersecurity Proposals

In this article, Digital Guardian CEO Ken Levine is quoted expressing how he feels about President Obama's cybersecurity proposals.  

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Incident Management

What is Security Incident Management? The Cybersecurity Incident Management Process, Examples, Best Practices, and More

Digital Guardian User Activity Monitoring

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