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Data Security for Manufacturing

What Is File Protection? How It Works & Different Types

Nearly Every Modern Microprocessor Impacted by Meltdown, Spectre Flaws

Digital Guardian Featured in InfoWorld Digital Spotlight

Special report on the new enterprise workflow featuring Digital Guardian with quotes from CTO Salo Fajer.

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Watch a Demo - Digital Guardian - CTA

51 Useful Data Protection Resources: Blogs, Videos, Guides, Infographics, Tools & More

How DG Helps

How Digital Guardian Helps Organizations Overcome 7 Data Protection Challenges

Photo of a barrel full of water after something was dropped in, causing a splash - photo by Amritanshu Sikdar

Friday Five: A Ransomware Giant Dismantled, Corporate Data Protection, New Critical Infrastructure Security Measures

Telegram Zero Day Let Hackers Mine Cryptocurrency, Drop Backdoors

Endpoint Security Has Grown More Difficult and Tedious

This blog post by Jon Oltsik alludes to Digital Guardian as a viable option for security professionals who are struggling with endpoint security.  

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