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Photo of an office space with multiple workers using their monitors, with a supervisor looking over an employee's work

Friday Five: Updated NIST Cyber Framework, New Federal Orders and Advisories, & More

Following Ransomware Attack Indiana Hospital Pays $55K to Unlock Data

Hundreds of thousands of Mass. residents vulnerable in Anthem hack

Pete Tyrrell is interviewed on the behalf of Digital Guardian regarding the Anthem data breach that affected over 80 million people.  

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Digital Guardian Endpoint DLP

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Building a Strong Foundation: 6 Takeaways from Forrester’s Rethinking Data Discovery & Classification Report

data risk assessment

What Is Data Risk Assessment? Why & How to Do an Assessment

Insiders Responsible for 58 Percent of Healthcare Breaches

IRS Attacks Reveal Criminal Data Gathering at Scale Never Seen, Experts Say

Digital Guardian CEO Ken Levine is featured in this article that focuses on the IRS breach and its implications.

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