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2017 Security 100: 15 Coolest Identity Management And Data Protection Vendors

Digital Guardian named one of CRN's coolest identity management and data protection vendors.

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Amazon Investigating Employees Leaking, Selling Data


Protecting Patient Data in the Cloud - Guide - CTA

Health and Human Services Raises Bar for Risk Analysis with latest HITECH Rules


U.S. Railroad Operators Must Disclose Cybersecurity Incidents Within 24 Hours

ROKRAT using Twitter, other social media as command and control link

Security researchers at Cisco Talos explain how the ROKRAT malware is leveraging social media to hide its C&C communications in plain sight. Thomas Fischer comments on the story.

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ePHI of 8,000 Patients Exposed in Health Plan Breach

Demonstrates Compliance

Case Study: Consolidated DLP and EDR for Internal and External Threats