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What is Bundesdatenschutzgesetz? How to Comply with the German Data Protection Act

Hundreds of thousands of Mass. residents vulnerable in Anthem hack

Pete Tyrrell is interviewed on the behalf of Digital Guardian regarding the Anthem data breach that affected over 80 million people.  

Read the full article. 

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What is the NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation? (And Compliance Tips)

Insider Threat Protection - French

Simplifying your data protection program for quick wins | Optimizing Your Data Protection 2/5

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Friday Five: The War Against Cybercrime Platforms, Healthcare Security Improvements, & More

IRS Attacks Reveal Criminal Data Gathering at Scale Never Seen, Experts Say

Digital Guardian CEO Ken Levine is featured in this article that focuses on the IRS breach and its implications.

Read the full article.

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Merck Earnings Per Share Projections Drop following Malware Infection

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Why Data Classification Should Drive Your Security Strategy