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Why Does Your Business Need a Transition to Smartphone Monitoring?

As a survey conducted by DG shows, it's usually inside threats that lead to digital thefts. A transition towards employee smartphone monitoring could help with data breaches.

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What is a Security Analyst? Responsibilities, Qualifications, and More

Cybersecurity Awareness Kit/Build a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness In Your Company - Guide - Thank You

From the Government Accountability Office: Aviation Cyber Security Capabilities Lacking

Using DLP to Educate and Inform Business Leaders

Biotech Company Alleges Former Employee Stole Drug Trade Secrets

Tesla Data Theft Case Illustrates the Danger of the Insider Threat

Why data classification should drive your security strategy

Data classification should be the first step in any effective security strategy says Thomas Fischer of Digital Guardian.

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Protect all your sensitive data

How to Use FFIEC CAT and Digital Guardian to Improve Your Security Posture - Guide