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Buy with a strategic view, not to fight fire

Research from ESG & Digital Guardian featured in IT Security Guru.

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Ransomware is Coming for You, Sooner or Later


Unstructured Data Sprawl? Time For Digital Guardian Secure Service Edge

The Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration Security Architecture - Guide

A person using a laptop with an image of data virtually moving in and out of a cloud in the foreground

What is Secure Service Edge (SSE)? Enhancing Data Protection in the Cloud Era

Terms of Service

IT Security Focus Shifts to Data

Digital Guardian 7.0 is mentioned in this article as well as CTO Salo Frajer

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Thomas Fischer

Diversity: A Little Less Conversation

Fortra Friday Five thumbnail image

Friday Five: The Wake of the Crowdstrike Debacle, a North Korean Hacker Hired to a Security Firm, & More