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Data Protection

What Is Data Discovery? Process & Best Practices

Data discovery should be a cross-function effort for organizations. Read this blog to learn some of the processes needed to help facilitate data discovery, along with recommended best practices.

Favorite SOC Analyst Interview Questions

Hiring a SOC analyst? Asking the right questions is key to identifying the best employee as well as helping determine what skills can best complement your organization.

Source Code Security Best Practices to Protect Against Theft

In many ways, source code is the backbone of the internet. Today's blog looks at source code security best practices that organizations need to follow, like using encryption and code analysis, to ensure its protected from theft and improper handling by employees.

A Guide to Enterprise Data Protection Best Practices

For most crafts, following best practices can help form a strong foundation. Enterprises looking to embrace data protection best practices should consider the following methods to ensure data - both company and user - is kept safe and secure.

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