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Episode 18: Christopher "Tophs" Elisan on Malware Trends

In the latest episode of the Digital Guardian podcast, Christopher "Tophs" Elisan, Principal Malware Scientist at RSA, describes recent malware trends he's seen, two approaches to thinking about breaches, and the dangers of attributing attacks.

Deep in the Crypto Mines

The future of malware is here and it’s not coming for your data or your passwords or your bank account details. It’s coming for your computing power.

Taking Down an Android Botnet

A collaborative effort among more than half a dozen security and technology companies has disrupted a botnet that was attacking content providers and content delivery networks with compromised Android devices.

BrickerBot, Mirai and the IoT Malware Knife Fight

The IoT landscape is becoming a battleground for all manner of malware, with some variants fighting for control of infected devices and authors racing to get their creations onto as many devices as possible.

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