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Bloor - How GDPR Will Reshape Global Data Protection

We all strive to protect sensitive data, such as customer information. The forthcoming GDPR puts a stake in the ground – fines of up to 4% of global turnover for organizations that run afoul of the regulations. While the GDPR is not new, the timeline to enforcement is closing in and companies must prepare or risk fines. How well are you prepared?

Join Fran Howarth from Bloor along with Digital Guardian as we discuss how the legislation will impact EU businesses, British businesses, and the global business community as well as how you can take steps to prepare.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The run up to GDPR and the potential repercussions
  • Who should care about GDPR (it's a larger audience than you may think)
  • The key components, dates, and elements of GDPR you need to know
  • What you can do to support your GDPR compliance



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This webinar was recorded on October 26, 2016.