

eBook: Verizon PHIDBR Action Plan

Digital Guardian’s data protection platform and managed services provide the tools needed to address both short-term and long-term recommendations outlined in the Verizon PHIDBR. Download the eBook to discover how Digital Guardian can help your organization enhance data security and ensure compliance with healthcare-specific requirements.

Achieving NYDFS Cybersecurity Compliance

This eBook explains the ten key provisions that go beyond federal cybersecurity requirements, and how Digital Guardian can help you achieve and maintain compliance.

Meeting Stringent HIPAA Regulations

Get this guide to learn the important aspects of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and how an appropriate Data Loss Prevention solution can help healthcare organizations prevent hefty HIPAA violation fines.

Data Protection Vendor Evaluation Toolkit

There are many criteria to consider when evaluating and selecting a data protection vendor. Our data protection vendor selection toolkit is designed to help you get through the vendor selection quickly and efficiently.

Enterprise DLP as a Program: Phase 1

Project Charter: Learn the phases and timelines of an Enterprise DLP program rollout that successfully connects the business strategy to the data protection program.

Enterprise DLP as a Program Phase 3

Risk Assessment: Learn about two approaches to data risk assessment that can help you secure business processes with minimal impact on user workflows

Enterprise DLP as a Program Phase 2

Data Usage Discovery & Visibility: Learn how to structure initial data visibility and stay ahead of changes from the initial scan. With a comprehensive data footprint in place you can better defend your organization’s sensitive data.

The Definitive Guide to DLP - Healthcare Edition

Our comprehensive guide provides what you need to understand, evaluate, and succeed with DLP in healthcare systems. It includes insights from Forrester Research, Gartner, and Digital Guardian's security analysts.