Happy Veterans Day, and our sincerest thanks to all of those who have served our country! In recognition of the day I wanted to share a recent event we held that benefited disabled veterans. Last month our Global Sales Engineering team came together in Dallas, Texas to learn about our upcoming platform advancements. Additional goals of the meeting were enhancing team camaraderie and collaboration. One of the ways we achieved these objectives was by partnering with Best Corporate Events, a group which helps orchestrate team building events that include a charitable component.
We chose the Build-a-Wheelchair® program in which participants help to assemble, test, and decorate wheelchairs that are donated to the elderly or disabled after the event. The chairs assembled during our event were donated to DAV, Disabled American Veterans, an organization designed to provide assistance to the men and women injured while serving in the United States military. The activity included trained facilitators who guided teams through a series of questions and activities which challenged attendees to recall information delivered during the meeting and to learn more about disability etiquette or terminology. Each correct answer and completed challenge earned another part to a wheelchair. The group that completed their wheelchair first (team Chuck Norris) won bragging rights and medals for their efforts.
The event was very well received. Lots of fun was had by all, which you can see if you check out the pictures/videos below, but the experience also evoked diverse individual reflections from the group. All in all, our Sales Engineering team was happy to have had the opportunity to give back while learning and having fun together.

Our Global Sales Engineering team poses for a group shot at the event.
Event organizer Alex Mancuso alongside chief product officer and head of the sales engineering team Dave Karp.
Team Chuck Norris poses for a photo.
Team Stringer's Stingers poses for a photo.
Team Yeah!! poses for a photo.

Team Chuck Norris hard at work assembling a wheelchair.

Team Dark Storm busy working on their wheelchair.

Members of Team Yeah!! assembling a wheelchair.
Justin Bortnick and Matt Logan formed a "wheelchair car" to complete a challenge.
Wheelchair backs decorated with a special thank you for our veterans.
Team members attempt the tongue twister challenge with minimal success.
Managed security service analyst Adam Burns nails the tongue twister challenge.
VP of product management Chris Leffel reflects on his experience.
Senior sales engineer Jay Guidry shares his thoughts.