Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration RFP Guide for Datacentric Security

An Evaluation Guide For Securing Sensitive Files

The Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration (formerly Vera) platform enables businesses of all sizes to effectively protect any kind of data, and then track, audit and manage the policies securing it in real-time, no matter where it travels. You can now secure data no matter what device, person, cloud or application creates or receives the data, even if – and after – it falls into the wrong hands. Current solutions, from on-premise storage to Enterprise Content Management (ECM) to modern enterprise sync and share tools -- like Box, Dropbox, and OneDrive -- can address different parts of this problem. But none have the capability to protect the full lifecycle of enterprise content. Companies regularly store and share information across multiple repositories, and the daily course of business.

Current solutions, from on-premise storage to Enterprise Content Management (ECM) to modern enterprise sync and share tools -- like Box, Dropbox, and OneDrive -- can address different parts of this problem. But none have the capability to protect the full lifecycle of enterprise content. Companies regularly store and share information across multiple repositories, and the daily course of business disperses that data across different systems, from CRM to ERP to HRM and even to financial systems. As organizations and individual workers become more continuously productive, IT and security teams need tools that can extend these controls across platforms. Moreover, all of this needs to be done with a focus on simplicity and user experience. By making it simple and transparent to secure and share securely across any repository, organizations can improve adherence to policy and dramatically improve their governance, security and data control posture.

This RFP guide is a comprehensive checklist to evaluate Digital Guardian's features and capabilities against your existing solution, or another solution you may be considering.

Business Productivity Applications Vendor

Business Productivity Applications Vendor
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Microsoft Word  
MS Excel  
MS PowerPoint  
MS Outlook  
Windows Photo Viewer  
Adobe Illustrator  
Adobe Acrobat DC  
Adobe Reader DC  
Adobe Photoshop  

CAD/CAM Applications

CAD/CAM Applications
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Autodesk AutoCAD  
Autodesk Inventor  
PTC: Windchill Workgroup Manager  
Creo Parametric + Windchill  
Creo View + Windchill  

OS Platforms

OS Platforms
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Windows OS  


Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
SMB 2.0  
Sharepoint on-premise  
Sharepoint Online  

Any Device, Anywhere

Any Device, Anywhere
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Support for latest versions of Windows OS and macOS  
Native iOS and Android app  
Support for all major browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE/Edge and Safari  
Ability to view sensitive files on mobile platforms   
Ability to view sensitive files in browser  
Ability to edit on mobile platforms  
Ability to edit sensitive files on browser  
Dynamic access and permission management via all platforms  
Linux support through browser interface  
Push notification support to desktop and mobile platforms  
Blackberry support via Dolphin browser  
Works with existing MDM solutions with native support for Intune  

Granular Control Capabilities

Granular Control Capabilities
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Ability to restrict/grant access to sensitive files on any device   
Ability to restrict/grant access to sensitive files to specific device   
Ability to restrict/grant access while offline   
Ability to restrict/grant access to sensitive files by specific users/groups  
Ability to restrict/grant viewing of sensitive files by specific users/groups   
Ability to restrict/grant access to files via remote connections  
Ability to restrict/grant editing of sensitive files Ability to restrict/grant printing of sensitive files   
Ability to secure sensitive files automatically so that users continue to work in the same way as before without new/additional passwords   
Automated ability to leverage data store ACLs to define access rights to sensitive files   
Ability to decouple the encryption keys that enable access to sensitive files from cloud collaboration vendor   
Ability to restrict/grant copying/pasting content from file to external location  
Ability to watermark content   
Ability to restrict/grant screen capture (native and third-party tools)   
Ability to restrict/grant access in virtual environments   
Ability to restrict/grant access to files and usage for certain time periods   
Ability to “time bomb” access to content  

Active File Protection

Active File Protection
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
AES-256 encryption Dynamically control user file permissions  
Ability to make changes to access rules on sensitive files at any time - even after file is shared or if it resides on a terminated user’s device   
Ability to revoke access to sensitive files in the event they are shared with an unauthorized user   
Ability to report on failed attempts to access sensitive files   
Permission management is external to the file   
Targeted permission control for users, groups and domains File permissions can be easily managed from desktop, mobile and browsers   
Configurable, rules-based engine that provides automated security and access control   
Automated securing and access control for local desktop folders  
Automated securing and access control for Box Automated securing and access control for Dropbox  
Automated securing and access control for network shares   
Automated securing and access control for SharePoint and OneDrive   
Automated securing and access control for email attachments   
Automated securing and access control for SDK app integration  

Policies, File Tracking And Defensible Audit

Policies, File Tracking And Defensible Audit
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Easy-to-use web-based portal for extensive in-product auditing  
Ability to validate that only authorized external users are accessing sensitive files  
Audit trail of all successful and unsuccessful attempts to access sensitive files  
Ability to report on access and chain of custody on any sensitive file and its derivatives  
Ability to customize policies  
Ability to audit file access, duration, location and actions  
Ability to audit user logins  
Ability to audit device type, information and access  
Ability to audit system events (admin and connector activities)  
Syslog support  
CSV export  

Flexible Deployment Options

Flexible Deployment Options
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Pure SaaS deployment model  
Allows for hybrid model where infrastructure for protecting/viewing files and key management can be deployed on premise   
VPC option in AWS  
On-premise for federal services and military  
Integrates with ID management solutions (Okta, Google, AD, LDAP)  
SDK allows for integration into 3rd party applications (web apps, DLP, classification, and DMS)  
Integration with existing file share solutions (Box, Dropbox, SMB, SharePoint, OneDrive)  
Configurable to work with enterprise email archiving solutions  

Connectors For Enterprise Repositories

Connectors For Enterprise Repositories
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Box Connector  
Dropbox Connector  
SharePoint Connector  
OneDrive Connector  
Okta Connector for Single Sign-on (SSO)  

End-User Driven File Security

End-User Driven File Security
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Intuitive, web-based administration  
Native sharing of sensitive files  
Ability to manually secure sensitive files by ‘right-click secure  
Ability to secure one or multiple sensitive files concurrently  
Ability to secure sensitive files automatically so that users continue to work in the same way as before without new/additional passwords  
Ability to have different access rights for users/groups for the same file  
Intuitive onboarding to all supported platforms through HTML browser flows  
Access and editing of secure data in native applications via client  
Access for clientless viewing and editing in browser via the HTML wrapper  
Automatic access for securing supported for attachments sent from Outlook and Mac Mail  
Automatic access and securing integrations when leveraging the following repositories: Box, Dropbox, SMB, SharePoint and OneDrive  
Integrated authentication for: AD, SAML, Google, email, and native  
Seamless key exchange  

Professional Services And Support

Professional Services And Support
Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration
Project Kickoff and Team Alignment  
Business Project Planning  
Line of Business Deployment Planning  
Technical Project Planning  
Technical Architecture Review and Tech Team Engagement  
Administrator Training and Best Practices  
Tenant Overview - Review with Solutions Architect  
Tenant Configuration Checklist  
Additional Services on Request  

Terms & Definition

Access Control List (ACL) Defines who may open a file, but does not specify what they may do with the file.
Admin PortalThe web portal used by Secure Collaboration administrators and any other Secure Collaboration users having a role other than User.
Administrator A Secure Collaboration user having any role other than User.
AES 256 EncryptionThe Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, is a symmetric block cipher chosen by the U.S. government to protect classified information and is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data.
Application Programming Interface (API)A programmatic interface to the Secure Collaboration Server that enables operations on files transported to the Secure Collaboration Server.
Authentication Configuration Settings defined for an authentication provider to be used for Secure Collaboration access.
Authentication Rule Settings that determine under which circumstances an Authentication Configuration will be used.
AWS Customer CloudA configurable pool of shared computing resources allocated within your own AWS public cloud environment for a Secure Collaboration deployment.
Browser View Accessing a secure file using a web browser instead of using a compatible app.
ConnectorA virtual appliance that integrates Secure Collaboration features with a component of your data center.
Core Authoring ApplicationsWe use the term “Core Authoring Application” to refer to applications that end users leverage to develop content. These tend to be more powerful, complex applications like Excel or CAD tools. Customers often require more granular control over specific actions in Core Authoring Apps beyond basic access control. Secure Collaboration supported provides control over data in use for a number of Core Authoring Applications. See Core Authoring Applications Grid for details.
Dashboard An Admin/User Portal page that provides important information about Secure Collaboration users and secure with the files.
Data at Rest Files that are being stored on a writable media (Hard Drive, CD, DVD, USB, Cloud Storage)
Data in Transit Files that are actively traversing a networked environment, email, etc.
Data in Use Files data that is being accessed by a supporting application (Ex. A word document that is open within Microsoft Word)
Directory Connector (DC) A virtual appliance that integrates Active Directory into a Secure Collaboration system for authenticating Secure Collaboration users.
EncryptionThe process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot
Edit in Browser (EiB)Accessing a secure file using a web browser instead of using a compatible app
Email Connector (EC)A virtual appliance that integrates Secure Collaboration features into your email flow in order to address eDiscovery requirements or support access to secure email from browsers and mobile devices
File Conversion A virtual appliance that converts files to PDF for browser viewing
File Share Connector (FSC) A virtual appliance that integrates Secure Collaboration features with your organization’s preferred file share technology.
GDPRThe General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to individuals over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU
Group A set of Secure Collaboration users to which you can grant secured file access. You can create local groups in the Secure Collaboration Admin Portal or import groups from directory services, such as Active Directory.
HIPAAThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 was created primarily to modernize the flow of healthcare information, stipulate how Personally Identifiable Information maintained by the healthcare and healthcare insurance industries should be protected from fraud and theft, and address limitations on healthcare insurance coverage.
Key Store The database in which file encryption keys are stored.
Local Key Store A virtual appliance that manages the file encryption keys for Secure Collaboration-secured files.
Local Rule A setting that specifies automatic securing of files in specified folders on a Secure Collaboration user’s desktop.
NYDFSThe New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) was created by transferring the functions of the New York State Banking Department and the New York State Insurance Department into a new department to reform the regulation of financial services in New York to keep pace with the rapid and dynamic evolution of these industries, to guard against financial crises and to protect consumers and markets from fraud.
On-Premise The act of installing part or all of the Secure Collaboration environment within a customer maintained facility.
PCIPayment Card Industry Data Security Standard is a set of security standards designed to ensure that ALL companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.
PHIProtected Health Information - The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information. At the same time, the Privacy Rule is balanced so that it permits the disclosure of personal health information needed for patient care and other important purposes.
PIIPersonally identifiable information (PII) is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual. Any information that can be used to distinguish one person from another and can be used for de-anonymizing anonymous data can be considered.
PolicyA collection of permissions that define what a user can do with a secure file.
Rule A setting that specifies automatic securing of files.
Secure Using Secure Collaboration to encrypt a file, wrap it in a Secure Collaboration HTML shell, and provide an optional policy to control what authorized users can do.
Sensitive FilesWe use the term “sensitive files” to describe any file that contains sensitive or non-public information. This includes Intellectual Property (IP), customer data, patient health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII).
Shell Doc The HTML wrapper applied to files secured by Secure Collaboration.
SMB A protocol (also called Samba) for sharing files on the internet.
Software Development Kit (SDK)A program that you install on a device to enable scripted operations on local files. The SDK performs the Secure Collaboration Server interactions necessary for securing and unsecuring files.
Tenant A separate virtual computing environment in the Secure Collaboration Cloud or another AWS environment.
Total Access Device A Windows device designated as a location for escrow backup of Secure Collaboration encryption keys.
Total File Access A permission that enables a user to access all Secure Collaboration-secured files.
Unstructured Data In our space unstructured data refers to files that reside across a customers employee desktops, network file shares, and cloud collaboration services.
User Portal Web app where Secure Collaboration users can manage Secure Collaboration-secured files.
User Role A list of permissions that determines which portions of the Secure Collaboration system a user is allowed to work with.
Secure Collaboration Client The Secure Collaboration Client is the app installed on a user’s device for securing files and managing secure files.
Secure Collaboration Cloud Secure Collaboration shared computing resources.
Secure Collaboration for Files Secure Collaboration’s core product, which enables securing of files wherever they go.
Secure Collaboration Server The portion of a Secure Collaboration deployment that controls Secure Collaboration features and functions.
View in Browser (ViB) Accessing a secure file using a web browser instead of using a compatible app.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)This is a deployment model for Secure Collaboration that allows our customers to host their own master tenant environment of Secure Collaboration for use in their large enterprise environment or as a managed service. This is supported in AWS, where their term replaced VPC with AWS Customer Clou
Whitelisted App An app that Secure Collaboration allows to open a secure file.

Secure Collaboration is a data and content security solution that enhances an organization’s ability to protect, govern and manage the transmission of information without impacting employees or the existing security choices the organization has made. Files secured by Secure Collaboration can still be protected by gateways, firewalls and endpoint technologies, but customers choosing Secure Collaboration can now extend these controls beyond the boundaries of their business. 

To learn more or schedule a demo, please contact us at