

Creating an Incident Response Classification Framework

Part 4 of our Field Guide to Incident Response series outlines a two-tiered framework for classifying security incidents to enable more efficient incident prioritization and response. This video clip is taken from our webinar, Incident Responder's Field Guide - Lessons from a Fortune 100 Incident Responder. Feel free to watch the full webinar here.

What are Managed Security Services (MSSPs)?

More organizations are turning to managed security services to gain security expertise and lessen the workload of their in-house security staff. Learn more about this option in Data Protection 101, our series on the fundamentals of information security.

How to Evaluate DLP Solutions: 6 Steps to Follow and 10 Questions to Ask

Evaluating and selecting a new solution is always an undertaking, but following a standard framework and criteria set for each solution you’re considering will help simplify the process. Part 10 of our "Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention" series provides six steps and ten criteria to guide this process.

Digital Guardian Mourns the Passing of Chief Technology Officer, Salo Fajer

A great executive and friend, who held family above all else. Salo and I worked together since 2004, and working at any company without him would have been inconceivable for me. Salo’s drive to excellence and can-do spirit was central to the Digital Guardian turn-around and he was a major reason we have seen such incredible growth at the company. He will be missed greatly.