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Are digital loss prevention and signature-based anti-virus living on borrowed time?

Digital Guardian's Peter Tyrrell weighs in on fingerprint-based data leakage protection.  

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2017 Security 100: 15 Coolest Identity Management And Data Protection Vendors

Digital Guardian named one of CRN's coolest identity management and data protection vendors.

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Judge in Anthem Case Rules That Breach Harmed Patients

data spill

What Is a Data Spill? How to Prevent and Manage It

Protecting Patient Data in the Cloud - Guide - CTA

What CISOs Should Be Aware Of (But Typically Aren't)

Employee Negligence Exposes Massachusetts Hospital Patients' Personal Data

Ken Levine, CEO of Digital Guardian, shares his insights on another data breach in the healthcare sector.

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ROKRAT using Twitter, other social media as command and control link

Security researchers at Cisco Talos explain how the ROKRAT malware is leveraging social media to hide its C&C communications in plain sight. Thomas Fischer comments on the story.

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What a script! Detecting and analyzing a Flash drive-by attack (Screenshot Demo)