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How to Understand and Protect Data in a WFH World

With perfect information and unlimited budget, information security would be a far simpler task. Since it is likely you have neither of those, your team needs a way to easily understand and prioritize risks. This is even more important given the work from home trend where workers have access to sensitive data without the (albeit limited) benefits of a security perimeter.

Data classification has long been used as a foundational element to increase the effectiveness of corporate information security programs. Join Garrett Bekker from 451 Research as he discusses why data classification takes on more importance in today’s world. He’ll also offer guidance on how to improve your classification and data security strategy.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • How the remote worker environment impacts data security
  • Tips to move from reactive to proactive data protection
  • How data classification can reduce security complexity



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This webinar was recorded on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.