
On-Demand Webinar

Data Classification to Get Ahead of Compliance

Information security leaders struggle with allocating scarce resources. Without accurate guidance on what data is sensitive (confidential intellectual property or regulated data), or public, (product data sheets) this can be a guessing game. Data classification serves as the strategic road map to define and implement your compliance, security, and business strategy.Join Digital Guardian to learn...
On-Demand Webinar

Webinar Acronym Jungle: CASB vs. DLP vs. IRM

There’s so much confusion in the market. How is a CASB different than DLP? Should I first invest in DLP or secure my confidential data with information rights management (IRM)? What should my team prioritize this year?We’re here to help you navigate those challenges. Watch this on-demand webinar, the “Acronym Jungle: CASB v. DLP v. IRM” to learn:The differences between CASB, DLP and IRM data...

GDPR Webinar: 5 Questions About Managing Security Risk Under The GDPR

It’s GDPR’s next big challenge: aligning the priorities of data management with the specific data protection and privacy regulations imposed on your organization. Watch this on-demand webcast where Grant Shirk, VP of Marketing, and the security team discuss how to comply with GDPR clauses covering anonymization, encryption, and system design...

How to Mitigate a DDoS Attack

Following a rash of targeted denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks worldwide, countries are offering guidance.

What is Azure Security?

Azure Security refers to security tools and capabilities available on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. In this article, we’ll discuss Azure Security and the Azure Security Center.

What is AWS Security?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud service provider, equipped with various security features. In this post, we’ll discuss the security components that make AWS a secure cloud platform.

What is Threat Intelligence?

Threat intelligence is what becomes of data after it has been gathered, processed, and analyzed. Organizations can use threat intelligence against cyber threats. In this article, we’ll discuss what threat intelligence is, its types, how it works, and why it’s important.