What is Incident Response?

Data Security Knowledge Base

What is Incident Response?


Incident response is a term used to describe the process by which an organization handles a data breach or cyberattack, including the way the organization attempts to manage the consequences of the attack or breach (the “incident”). Ultimately, the goal is to effectively manage the incident so that the damage is limited and both recovery time and costs, as well as collateral damage such as brand reputation, are kept at a minimum.

Organizations should, at minimum, have a clear incident response plan in place. This plan should define what constitutes an incident for the company and provide a clear, guided process to be followed when an incident occurs. Additionally, it’s advisable to specify the teams, employees, or leaders responsible for both managing the overall incident response initiative and those tasked with taking each action specified in the incident response plan.

Who Handles Incident Responses?


Typically, incident response is conducted by an organization’s computer incident response team (CIRT), also known as a cyber incident response team. CIRTs usually are comprised of security and general IT staff, along with members of the legal, human resources, and public relations departments. As Gartner describes, a CIRT is a group that “is responsible for responding to security breaches, viruses, and other potentially catastrophic incidents in enterprises that face significant security risks. In addition to technical specialists capable of dealing with specific threats, it should include experts who can guide enterprise executives on appropriate communication in the wake of such incidents.”

Six Steps for Effective Incident Response


The SANS Institute provides six steps for effective incident response:


The most important phase of incident response is preparing for an inevitable security breach. Preparation helps organizations determine how well their CIRT will be able to respond to an incident and should involve policy, response plan/strategy, communication, documentation, determining the CIRT members, access control, tools, and training.


Proper preparation and planning are the key to effective incident response. Without a clear-cut plan and course of action, it’s often too late to coordinate effective response efforts after a breach or attack has occurred. Taking the time to create a comprehensive incident response plan can save your company substantial time and money by enabling you to regain control over your systems and data promptly when an inevitable breach occurs.