How to Strengthen PII Security & Compliance
Mon, 09/05/2022
PII requires protection for both legal and reputational reasons, but if a data breach occurs, will your company still be able to protect this sensitive data?
What Is Considered PII?
Personally identifiable information is any information that could be used to identify a specific individual; this includes Social Security numbers, full names, and passport numbers.
These are typically regarded as the traditional forms of PII. However, with the increased digitization of society and with it our online identities, the scope of PII has expanded to include personally identifiable financial information, login IDs, IP addresses, and social media posts.
PII Data Classification
PII data classification is a central part of the PII identification process, and it can be used to broadly differentiate between sensitive and nonsensitive PII.
Nonsensitive PII
This is the type of PII that can be easily obtained from public sources like corporate directories, the internet, and phone books. It can also be transmitted in an unsecured form without harming the individual or exposing their identity. This type of data usually consists of the following:
Zip Code
Date of birth
Place of birth
This obviously isn’t an exhaustive list. However, it underlines the type of information about a person that doesn’t pose any threat to their privacy when made public.
Sensitive PII
This consists of personal information whose public exposure can be harmful to the individual. The risk of exposure often results in identity theft that damages the individual’s credit or compromises their financial wellbeing.
Examples of sensitive PII include the following:
Social security number
Passport number
Driver’s license
Mailing address
Medical records
Credit card information
Banking and financial information
Risk also extends to organizations when sensitive PII in their possession is leaked or compromised. The organization breached suffers reputational damage and is often burdened with noncompliance fines. As a result, sensitive PII needs to be stored securely, usually by using strong encryption mechanisms.
What Are Non-PII Examples?
There is some overlap between non-sensitive PII and what is generally considered non-PII. Though non-PII may relate to an individual, the information is so general it will not point to the individual’s identity.
Non-PII examples include information such as race, religion, business phone numbers, place of work, and job titles.
Although nonsensitive PII and non-PII may contain quasi-identifiers, this type of data alone cannot be used to confirm a person’s identity on its own. However, when nonsensitive data is combined or linked with other personal linkable information, it can be used to identify an individual.
So businesses should still exercise caution with non-PII since reidentification and de-anonymization techniques can be applied on them. Especially through piecing together several sets of quasi-identifiers to distinguish individuals and reveal their personal identities.
Therefore, organizations should ask themselves two questions regarding the sensitivity of their data:
Identification: Can this specific piece of data on its own be used to identify an individual?
Data combination: Can several unique pieces of data be pieced together to identify someone?
PII is a very malleable term and the precise contours of its definition depend on where you live in the world. For instance, the United States government defines it as anything that can “be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity,” such as biometric data, whether in isolation or in conjunction with other identifiers like date of birth or educational information.
In Europe, its definition expands to include quasi-identifiers as listed in General Data Protection Regulation.
Why Is PII Important?
Identification mechanisms are crucial in a functional society to distinguish one person from another. The individual markers that PII provides are necessary to acquire and disseminate goods and services in a market economy. Not to mention its importance for ownership and acquisition of capital.
For instance, without PII, it would be impossible to have meaningful medical records to facilitate public healthcare or grease the wheels of commerce with credit and banking information.
PII is also important to criminals who can sell it for a handsome profit on the black market.
Why Is Safeguarding PII Important?
As highlighted in the last section, PII is necessary for the flow of goods and services in a society. However, if left unprotected, PII leads to identity theft and other forms of fraud. This is because hackers find PII to be an extremely valuable target due to the variety of criminal activity it allows them to perpetrate.
Some of the potential harm suffered by individuals may include embarrassment, theft, and blackmail. Data breaches not only create legal liability for the organization but also reduce public trust in the organization. Due to these risks, PII should be protected from unauthorized access, usage, and disclosure to safeguard its confidentiality.
However, PII creates privacy and data security challenges for organizations that collect, store, or process it. Therefore, the importance of PII also stems from its impact on the information security environments of organizations and the legal obligations this demands.
PII Security Best Practices
PII has become so valuable to enterprises and bad actors alike that it needs a special security framework to protect it both at rest and in transit. In addition to the traditional methods of encryption and identity access management, this framework also encompasses document security measures such as data loss prevention, digital rights management, and information rights management.
DRM includes data security measures that protect PII within the boundaries of the corporate network or firewalls. But while DRM is important to PII, its overriding objective is locking down data, intellectual property protection, and the monetization that goes with it. IRM, however, is based on zero-trust security, which essentially means an implicit distrust of the user or platform that has access to the data. To achieve this, IRM accompanies the data wherever it goes.
Here are the six practical ways to ensure the PII collected by your organization is secure:
Discover and classify PII: This starts with identifying and classifying all the PII an organization collects, accesses, processes, and stores. It also involves locating where this data is stored, especially sensitive PII, to better understand how it can be protected.
Establish an acceptable usage policy: This involves creating a framework of policies that guide how PII is accessed. One of its key benefits is serving as a starting point for enacting technology-based controls to enforce proper PII usage and access.
Create the right identity access and privilege model: Enforcing usage rights and access controls with identity access management. Establish least-privilege models so users only access the data they need at a given moment.
Implement robust encryption: Deploy strong encryption algorithms to protect PII at all times.
Delete PII you no longer need: Ensure you don’t store PII you no longer need because it can pose compliance and vulnerability risks. Therefore, create a system for safely destroying old records without accidentally destroying viable ones.
Create training procedures and policies for handling sensitive PII: Use training and policies to emphasize how various types of PII should be stored and protected.
How to Safeguard and Enforce PII Compliance
One of the first points of order to safeguard PII is to understand where it is located. Once a business knows where its PII resides, it can subsequently embark on the necessary mechanisms to prevent its unauthorized disclosure.