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U.S. Warns of Ransomware Attacks Targeting Pipeline Ops

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Friday Five: The Wake of the Crowdstrike Debacle, a North Korean Hacker Hired to a Security Firm, & More

What Keeps IT Up at Night Part 1: The Human Element

Salo Fajer, our Chief Technology Officer, talks about what keeps IT up at night; namely the human errors.

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What is FISMA Compliance? (Definition, Requirements, Penalties, & More)


Self Driving Car Startup Admits to Trade Secret Theft, Settles With Tesla

Cloud Data Protection

What Makes A Typical Information Security Chief?

After extensive research into the CISOs and security leaders at F100 companies, Digital Guardian produces some interesting results in the form of an infographic.

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Security Experts Share Top Tips for Protecting Unstructured Data

Fed Offers Guidance on Curbing Synthetic Identity Fraud