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Digital Guardian Extends Endpoint DLP to Microsoft Teams, Slack, Skype, and Zoom

octopus under water

Friday Five: Hacking Groups Ramping Up Efforts, Apple's Broken Promise, & More


What is Ransomware as a Service? Learn About the New Business Model in Cybercrime

Final Impressions of Black Hat 2014

Jon Oltsik, principal analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) covered the cybersecurity landscape at the high energy Black Hat 2014 show in Las Vegas in an article on  Network World. 

Read the article here


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Following Breach, Marketplace Minted Target of New CCPA Lawsuit

Contextual Classification, Data Protection, and PCI-DSS Compliance

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Fishing hook by the sunset

Friday Five: Updates on Chinese Hacking Operations, the Growing Quishing Threat, & More


All the Pieces Matter

New Payment Card Security Standards May Redirect Hackers Online

Digital Guardian's Thomas Fisher is mentioned in this article that discuses the implementation of new chip-enabled credit cards.  

Read the full article. 

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